

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, March 30, 2015

COUP? - Special Ops military drills in Tampa

Nothing to see here, move along

  • Our corrupt Lords and Masters in Washington D.C. want to let the local yokels know who is really in charge by staging military drills in major cities all over America.
  • Special Note  -  Both the "Liberal" Democrats and the Conservative "small government" GOP are funding active duty military displays of power in American cites. 

(Sun Sentinel)  -  Police agencies in Broward County are assisting members of the U.S. Special Operations Forces who are undergoing urban warfare training.

The exercises began Monday, will last until March 27 and will be held at locations that the military will not disclose.

U.S. Special Operations is commanded out of Tampa and has staged such "routine drills" in cities throughout the country, a spokesman said.

The 200 military personnel are from the four branches: Air Force, Army, Marines and Navy.

The goal is to prepare participants in realistic, unfamiliar training conditions before they deploy for combat overseas. Those urban locations can't be replicated on a practice range, the military said.

The exercises will happen in a variety of places but will not be held at the beaches, the Everglades, malls or large population centers, the spokesman said.

Local police departments are tasked with managing traffic and keeping spectators away.

Read More . . . .

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