

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Jeb Bush stands by Common Core and Immigration

Are "Conservatives" Conservative?

  • So-called "Conservatives" talk a lot about small government.  But once elected Republicans enthusiastically embrace, fund and protect every Big Brother program ever created by the wildest of Leftist Loons.  At least Jeb Bush is up front that he is going to fuck us.

(The Hill)  -  Jeb Bush stood his ground in front of an occasionally hostile crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, giving a strong defense of his conservative record that seemed to slowly disarm his opponents in the crowd.

The former Florida governor’s appearance had all of the feeling of the main event of the three-day conservative confab.

  • Common Core  -  Bush declined to reject his support of the standards, but he has adopted the standard conservative line that the principles have been hijacked by liberals and the Obama administration.  (Editor - Common Core has been fully funded by the GOP House.)
  • Immigration  -  Bush didn’t back away from his compassionate message on immigration . . . There should be a path to legal status for those immigrants here illegally if they “work … don’t break the law, learn English, and contribute to society,” Bush said.

Earlier, Sean Hannity had ticked through all of the potential candidates asking the crowd who they would support. Bush got booed while the room exploded in cheers for perennial favorite, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

Donald Trump later called Bush unelectable.

“He’s in favor of common core; he’s weak on immigration,” the real estate mogul said to applause. “You remember his statement ‘they come over for love?’ That was his stance on immigration. I don’t see him as winning.

There were rumors before the event that anti-Bush activists would stage a walk-out during his address.

The movement was led by a man dressed in a Tea Party costume and it attracted a small gathering outside the conference room where Bush was speaking. The group raised a minor ruckus and their chants could be heard briefly inside the ballroom, but the walk-out never materialized.

(The Hill)

A centralized education system trains young 
skulls full of mush to obey their Masters

,Republican Socialism

The so-called "Conservative" George Bush Administration, backed by a "Conservative" GOP Congress, worked to unconstitutionally Federalize local education and violate the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Since taking control of Congress in 1995 the GOP controlled Congress has consistently voted to grow the size and scope of the Federal government with no thought at all about the Constitution. 

Blast from the past 2008 cartoon.

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